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What to put in a nappy caddy for baby:

Wondering what to put in a nappy caddy for mum and baby? Check out our recommendations below!

A nappy caddy is something that makes life with your newborn baby much easier! A nappy caddy is a basket that can be carried around the house with you wherever you are with baby, and is filled with everything you need for baby each day, and each time you feed baby. This means that while looking after baby you can sit and relax without having to continually get up to go and get more things. A nappy caddy is even more useful if you are breastfeeding, as you can have everything you need right in front of you during those long feeds in the early days of breastfeeding.

Getting your nappy caddy ready during the last weeks of pregnancy is a great way to help make your life easier when you bring your baby home from hospital.

With a nappy caddy, you can conveniently carry everything you need around the house with you, and have it handy when you feed baby, or beside the bed at night while you sleep.

So what should you put in a nappy caddy for mum and baby?

Here are our recommendations:

  • Nappies and wipes: Of course, nappies and wipes are the most important thing you need for your nappy caddy is nappies! Babies need nappy changes constantly, so always make sure you’ve got a large supply of nappies and wipes in your caddy. Check out our Ecoriginals newborn nappies and wipes.

  • Spare clothing: Spare clothing is the next most important thing for a nappy caddy. Babies are messy, and they often need their clothes changed throughout the day. Put something easy like a jumpsuit and singlet in your nappy caddy for baby.

  • Spare dummies: If you’re using dummies, you’ll always need spares!

  • Cloths or burp rags: It’s so common for babies to spit up during or after feeds. Keep some rags or cloths for wiping up.

Breastfeeding necessities: If you are breastfeeding, it’s really handy to have a few things for you in your nappy caddy for baby. Things that come in handy include:

  • Spare breast pads. Most new mums need to change their breast pads really regularly. This is important to keep yourself comfortable, but also to prevent thrush. Check out our gorgeous reusable breast pads!

  • A silicone breast pump milk saver: This is one of the best things for new breastfeeding mums to have in your nappy caddy! Just stick it on the other side while you are feeding to collect milk without ever having to pump. Check out our silicone breast pump milk saver here.

  • Nursing balm – a good nursing cream is so helpful during the early days of breastfeeding for sore and sensitive nipples. Keep one in your nappy caddy for use between feeds. Our amazing nursing balm from the Physic Garden is perfect for breastfeeding mothers.

  • Swaddle or muslin wrap – Many babies love to be wrapped for their sleeps. Keep a swaddle or wrap in your nappy caddy so you’ve always got one handy with you.

  • Lip balm and moisturiser – It always seems like you need a moisturiser and lip balm right when baby is feeding and you can’t get up. Put some in your nappy caddy. We love this body lotion from Little Innoscents for both mum and baby

  • Snacks – if you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that I keep talking about how important it is to have snacks around the house! The postpartum hunger is so real. Make sure you have some nutritious and filling snacks with you. I recommend these delicious lactation biscuits from Franjos Kitchen.

  • Hand sanitiser: If you’ve just changed baby’s nappy, but want a snack, you need some hand sanitiser!

  • Water bottle: Keep a couple of full water bottles with you in your nappy caddy for baby. It’s important to keep hydrated, and there is nothing worse than being thirsty while feeding or nap trapped!

  • Phone charger or power bank: Is it just me or do phones always go flat at the least convenient times? Keep a charger or power bank with you in your nappy caddy.

  • Anything else to keep you comfortable and entertained while baby feeds and sleeps. Books, journals, headphones for podcasts or audiobooks, whatever you like! You'll likely spend many hours on the couch in the early days, so make the most of it with entertainment.

These are all the things I love to have in my nappy caddy for baby. These all make life so much easier, as you’re not running around the house looking for things or missing out on things you need while you feed baby or while nap trapped.

Can you think of anything we missed? Let us know in the comments!

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