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How to throw a virtual Baby Shower during COVID-19

A Baby Shower is one of the most exciting events for an expectant mother. With Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland all in lockdown, many poor pregnant mothers have missed out on their baby showers.

Instead of cancelling your baby shower, a great idea is to throw a virtual baby shower instead!

How to do it?

  • Step 1: Send out invites

You can do this through Facebook, or send out invites in the mail. How cute are these ones from Zazzle?.

Step 2: How will you do it?

Zoom is a great way to host a virtual baby shower. The host can send an invite out to all guests.

Google Hangouts works in a similar way!

Snapchat - do you only have a small number of guests? Snapchat is an easy option if everyone already has an account. Snapchat can get messy if there are lots of guests!

House party - Also on iphones and android.

  • Step 3 Decorations

Check out these beautiful balloon decorations! These are from a virtual baby shower my sister hosted. Plan your decorations in advance and have them delivered to the Mumma-to-be's house. If they are within your 5km (in Victoria) you can drop them at the front of her house.

  • Step 3 Games and activities

You can still play some awesome games at a virtual baby shower! The host can plan these out using one of the templates here are some examples:

Guessing the baby details: Have the guests guess details about the baby:

  • Baby name:

  • Baby gender (if not known):

  • Baby's weight:

  • Baby's birth date:

Scavenger Hunt: Here is a list of baby items. The guests need to find one of each of these items in their house. The first to come back to their device with the item is the winner.

  • Nappy

  • Nappy cream

  • Bottle

  • Baby toy

  • Giant maternity pad (the biggest one is the winner!)

  • Breast pad

  • Baby blanket

  • Thermometer

  • Baby wipes

  • Dummy

Celebrity baby names: List some celebrities with unique baby names. Guests then have to guess the names of the babies. Here are some examples:

  • Gwyneth Paltrow

  • Beyonce

  • Nicole Kidman

  • Elon Musk

  • Cardi B

  • Alicia Keys

  • Cameron Diaz

Which parent? This is a great one for co-ed baby showers. Ask the parents these questions, and both need to write an answer and compare. The answers can get quite funny!

  • Which parent will be the fun one?

  • Which parent will be the strict one?

  • Who will gag at nappy change time?

  • Who will try to get out of nappy change time?

  • Who will cry the most after the birth?

  • Who will freak out the most?

You can play almost any baby shower game at a virtual baby shower!

Step 4: Cake and Food

The mum-to-be still needs a cake. Here is a cake my beautiful sister made for a virtual baby shower. Depending on the restrictions where you are, you can either drop the cake at the mum-to-be's house in advance, or you could cut the cake and drop slices at each guest's house (if they live nearby). Or you could have a baker/cake maker deliver the cake to the mum-to-be's house.

You can also order baby shower biscuits, cakes, and favours to be delivered too!

Step 5: Gifts

One of the best parts about the Baby Shower is the gifts! It's so special to watch the mum-to-be open her presents! Ask all the guests to deliver their presents to the mum-to-be's house in advance, or have them delivered through the mail to her house in advance. The mum-to-be can then open her gifts in front of her camera for everyone to see.

Baby Showers are so special, don't miss the opportunity to make the mum-to-be feel loved and supported!

Do you need help with gift ideas for a baby shower? Check out my shop full of beautiful hampers that can be delivered Australia wide.

Rachel xx

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